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Hey Adriana, Can you operate on me or do you only give consultations?

Hey Adriana,
Can you operate on me or do you only give consultations?

Hey Adriana, Can you operate on me or do you only give consultations?

Yes, I can operate on you but remember that it is very important to first make an assessment to know what type of treatment is right for you, in case we can avoid the operating room we will certainly do it.

Ear, nose and throat consultation

If you have an infection in the respiratory tract, your ear hurts, , you suffer from allergic rhinitis, an injury has appeared in your mouth, a lump on your neck, you snore or you have vertigo, you can make an appointment for an assessment.

Ear cleaning
We all produce earwax, some people tend to have a very narrow or angled ear canal and others use cotton swabs or instruments that instead of cleaning the ears create plugs that interfere with our hearing and sometimes even cause major infections. If you are one of those who regularly form occlusive otocerosis, we will wait for you once a year to clean your ears or wash your ears if necessary. If you use hearing aids, your visit for ear cleaning may need to be more frequent. Avoid using cotton swabs, lathes or turning on cones to avoid complications.

Nose bleeds
If your nose is bleeding, put pressure on the runny part of your nose and lean forward to prevent you from swallowing blood. Wait 5 minutes, you can put a cold wet cloth on your forehead and over your nose to stop the bleeding. Have you been squeezing for 10 minutes and the bleeding doesn't stop? I'll wait for you in the office, it may be a large vessel that needs to be cauterized or maybe I should put hemostatic material so that we can solve the problem, some cloth or plug. And we must always see inside your nose with a camera to avoid bleeding from another vessel.

Removal of foreign bodies in the nose and ears
Little ones are experts at keeping or hiding things in their ears and nose; plasticine balls, seeds, nuts, fummi, lego pieces, dinosaur tails, coins, popcorn and a host of objects that we can collect in the office. And the not so small ones also usually clean their ears with objects that can be separated, in those cases we can find cotton inside that must be removed to avoid infection.

Endoscopic swallowing tests
In the office we will put a camera through your nose to assess the structures involved in the swallowing process. You will have to swallow different consistencies and it will be possible to determine if it is safe for you to eat a normal diet or if dietary modifications, compensatory maneuvers or rehabilitation exercises should be made. Swallowing studies are indicated in people who have had aspiration pneumonia, patients with neurological diseases; those who had a cerebral infarction, Parkinson's, demyelinating diseases, patients with head and neck cancer who received treatment with radiotherapy or who required surgery that affected their swallowing.

Swallowing videofluroscopy
The study is carried out in the radiology service while we give contrast medium in different consistencies, we assess if there is any problem with the safety or efficacy of swallowing in real time. In this way we can see directly which structures are being affected and where we should direct our treatment.

Frenulum resection
Sometimes there is a fibrous tissue under the tongue that interferes with swallowing but mainly with language in young children. This frenulum can be released to allow proper movement of the tongue. The patient requires an assessment in conjunction with the speech therapist to continue his treatment.

Otorhinolaryngologists have the necessary preparation to carry out different types of both functional and aesthetic surgeries.

What surgeries can I do?

If you have already had an assessment, it is important to take other opinions into consideration, since going into surgery should never be considered our first option unless it is an emergency. In the event that there is no other treatment for you, do not worry, you have come to the right place to have surgery.

Tonsil and adenoid surgery

There are several indications to remove the tonsils and adenoids, the main indication is that due to their size they cause obstruction of the airway, which leads to respiratory problems not only at night, but during the day. Adults do not have adenoids because that tissue regresses during childhood, so if they do, it should be a subject of study. Another frequent indication is recurrent tonsil infections or chronic tonsillitis and peritonsillar abscesses.

Functional and aesthetic nose surgery

Whether due to difficulty breathing due to a deviated septum or because you don't like the shape of your nose, you can go for an assessment to solve the problem.

Turbinate surgery

Sometimes, either due to allergic rhinitis or deviations of the nasal septum, the turbinates, which are structures that are inside our nose, grow and do not allow us to breathe well. There is medical treatment, but if there is no good response, the next step is to perform a turbinate plasty with radiofrequency or a microdebrider.

Reduction of nasal fractures

If you received a blow to the face, present bleeding, nasal obstruction or any deformity, you should go for evaluation. We must rule out that you have septal or valvular hematomas that we have to drain or in case of presenting a bone fracture, determine if it needs to be aligned or reduced.

Vocal cord injury surgery

If your voice has changed, you get tired or it hurts when you speak, if you become completely hoarse or if you cough constantly, there may be an injury to your vocal cords that should be assessed and removed. There are polyps, cysts, granulomas, papillomas and premalignant lesions that must be removed and that require a histopathological study.

Placement of hyaluronic acid in vocal cords

Sometimes the vocal cords are very thin due to changes in age, patients have a weak voice and suffer from choking, so we must increase the volume of the cord with hyaluronic acid. Other patients who benefit from these hyaluronic acid injections are those with recent chordal paralysis or paresis. 

Ear surgery

Some children with hearing problems due to otitis media with effusion require the placement of ventilation tubes to drain secretions from the middle ear. 

Other patients require closure of tympanic perforations.

Application of botulinum toxin in salivary glands

Biopsies of lesions in the oral cavity

You should not worry too much without first going to an assessment of your condition.
What are you waiting for to visit me?

Dr. Adriana Rivas Mercado

Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery


Dr. Adriana
Rivas Mercado

Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery


Antigua Torre de Consultorios Hospital Español, Consultorio 604.
Av. Ejército Nacional 617, Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City.

Consultation Hours:

Monday - Friday 10:00 - 14:30 | Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00

Monday - Friday 10:00 - 14:30
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00

Telephones for appointments:

55-52031867 y 55-52551172
